Thursday, January 12, 2023

A Useful Guide & Glossary to the Planet Birobidzhan Tale 

 This is not a Jewish story. It is, however, a story about Jews. One does not need to be Jewish to read this tale any more than one needs to be a Hobbit or an Elf to read Lord of the Rings. 

This story is a work of fiction. The setting for this tale is in the distant future, on the far away Planet Birobidzhan. This planet was settled by Jewish exiles from Planet Earth. 

The population of Planet Birobidzhan has been cut off from the Home Planet for a long  time. They have developed their own unique culture, traditions and linguistics. 

The language spoken on Planet Birobidzhan is primarily Yiddish. I have sprinkled a significant number of Yiddish words and phrases throughout the telling of the tale. I also refer to various Jewish religious and cultural touchstones. 

To make this story more accessible, I have included a glossary of words and phrases in Yiddish and Hebrew that are used as well as some explanations of religious terms and holidays. 

I hope that readers find  this to be useful.  

פּלאַנעט ביראָבידזשאַן

The Glossary 

Abi Guzunt - interj. As long as you're healthy [you can be happy]

Aish Zerah - (eish zerah) literally translate to: “a strange fire”

Aleph Beis - alphabet, the first two letters of the alphabet (א,ב)

Ales iz gut - All is well

Apikores - heretic

arayn - shtel arayn, "put in" when gambling with a dreidl 

Aun Vas - and what

Baal Shem Tov - Israel ben Eliezer, known as the Baal Shem Tov or as the Besht, was a Jewish mystic and healer who is regarded as the founder of Hasidic Judaism.

babka - a sweet braided bread

balagan - a total mess (derived from Russian)

balabusta - a good homemaker, also can mean a landlady 

Bar Mitzvah - literally, son of commandment, it is a coming-of-age ritual that takes place at the age of 13

Bar Mitzvah Bochur - a thirteen year old 

bashert - generally used to refer to a soulmate, actually translates better as destiny.

bebl - a bean

Beit Din literally house of justice, it is a religious court

berakhah - a blessing 

berala - a teddy bear

bissel - a little 

bochur - boy or young man 

borscht - a type of soup, generally cabbage or beet

bromayzer - Jews Harp 

bubbie - grandmother 

bulbes - potatoes, derives from Lithuanian bulve

chai - life, the Hebrew letters (חי) refers also to the number eighteen 

challah - a braided white bread eaten particularly on Shabbos and Holidays 

chaverim - friends, companions, associates, members of an organization, partners 

cheder - a one room school, literally a room in Hebrew 

cholent - a slow cooked stew usually for the Sabbath 

chuppah - literally, "canopy" or "covering" this refers to the Jewish marriage ceremony 

chutzpah - extreme self-confidence or audacity

Danershtag - Thursday 

das iz alts - that is all

daven - to pray

Derekh Eretz - respect, literally the way of the land

Der Profesor - The Professor

dire gelt - rent, literally apartment money 

donning tefillin - putting on phylacteries, a set of small black leather boxes with leather straps containing scrolls. This is a daily religious practice (except for Shabbos and Holidays) which is performed by men in the morning while davening shacharis.

dreyen - to spin a dreidl 

dreidl - a top associated with Hanukkah, dreidel 

dybbuk - a malicious possessing spirit

Eretz Yisrael - the Land of Israel 

esrogim - citrons, a citrus fruit associated with Sukkos (Sukkot)

es tut mir layd - I am sorry, literally it causes me pain 

farsheteyt - understand 

farvas - why

fentster - window 

ferd - horse 

ferd flig - horsefly

fidele - fiddle, violin 

flig - fly

foigel - bird

Fremd Feyer - foreign fire

Galus - exile, Diaspora 

Gan Eden - Garden of Eden, Paradise 

gants - whole 

gantze - whole 

gantze mishpacha - the whole family 

gefilte fish - literally stuffed fish, a dish made from a poached mixture of ground deboned fish

gelt - money 

Gimel - third letter of the alphabet (ג). When gambling with a dreidl, if it lands on Gimel, one takes the gantze (whole) pot.

Glatt Kosher - stringently kosher 

gornisht - nothing 

gonif - thief

goyim - gentiles 

groys - big

guzunt - health 

halachic - Jewish Law

hamantaschen - a three cornered pastry associated with Purim 

hamsa - a palm-shaped amulet popular throughout North Africa and in the Middle East

Hasidic - a mystical Jewish movement founded in Poland in the 18th century (see Baal Shem Tov)

Hatikvah - hope in Hebrew 

Havdalah - the ceremony that marks the end of the Sabbath 

Hebraists - Hebrew scholar or advocate 

hechsher - certification of food being kosher 

henna - a dye used by Sephardic and Mizrahi women in a pre-wedding ceremony 

Haredi - ultra-Orthodox

hoyz - house 

hoyz flig - house fly 

Ikh vis nisht - I don't know 

Kabbalists - Kabbalah is an esoteric method, discipline and school of thought in Jewish mysticism. Kabbalists are the practitioners of Kabbalah. 

Kadish - literally holy, a prayer of mourning 

kashrus/kashrut - pertaining to dietary laws (kosher)

keinehora - from the Hebrew, Kein Ayin Hara, meaning no evil eye. It is said to ward off harm, often accompanied with spitting.  

Ketschele - kitten, little kitten, a term of endearment 

khius - animals 

kibbutz - a communal farm

kibbutzniks - people that live on a kibbutz 

kibbutzim - plural of kibbutz 

kikhlekh - cookies 

kind - child 

kinder - plural of kind

klezmorim - musicians 

kneidelach - matzah ball, a dumpling 

knipple - a woman's secret stash of money, from the word knip, meaning a pinch.

knish - a deep fried or baked snack 

kosher - food fit to eat according to law and customs 

krom - store 

kugel - a casserole made of noodles or potatoes 

Kukuriku! - This is the sound that  roosters make in Yiddish, Hebrew, Russian, Polish… Why do English-speaking roosters say "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"? Ikh vis nisht.

kurvah - a whore

kvelled - delighted, joyed

kvetching - complaining 

lakht - laughs

latkes - potato pancakes 

l'chaim - To Life! Used as a toast

Leviathan - a Biblical sea monster

macht a leben - make (earn) a living

Mamaloshen - Yiddish, literally mother tongue

Magen David Adom - Red Shield of David, or Red Star of David. It is the Israeli affiliate of the International Red Cross 

majoun - a North African candy made with hashish and dates

mamzers - bastards

Man - husband 

Mantik - Monday 

Mantik aun Danershtag - Monday and Thursday. The Torah is read on those days. They are also traditional market days.  It is sometimes used to mean frequently 

mayn - my

mazel - luck

mechayeh - a pleasure

Meditsinish Gortns - medical gardens

Megillah Esther - the Scroll of Esther, the Book of Esther, read on Purim 

melameds - teachers

mentsh - a man, a good person

mentshn - people, human beings

meshugganah - crazy

meydls - girls, young women 

meydl mit a fidele - a girl with a violin

mezuzah - literally a door post, it is a parchment in a decorative case affixed to the doorframe

mikvah - ritual bathhouse

mincha aun maariv - afternoon and evening prayers, usually practiced with little or no break between the two sets 

minyan - a quorum for prayer

mishegoss - nonsense

mishpacha - family

mit - with

Mitvakh - Wednesday

mitzvah - a religious commandment

Mizrahi - North African and Middle Eastern Jews

mohel - performs ritual circumcision

Moishe Pipik - a nonsense name,  literally Moses' Belly Button 

Mommala - a term of endearment for a small child, literally little momma 

Moshe - Moses 

Moshiach - Messiah 

munn - poppy seeds 

muzik - music

nachas - pride or gratification 

nikal - a nickel 

nisht - not

nisht gornisht - nothing

neshumeh - soul 

oder - or

oy - Used to express surprise, pain, grief, worry, etc

offen - on

payos - side curls, based on an interpretation of the Tanakh's injunction against shaving the "sides" of one's head.

peniz - pennies 

peniz oder a nikal - pennies or a nickel 

Pesach - Passover 

pisher - a very young person, literally one that urinates

planirt plan 

potch - a smack

Profesor - Professor

punim - face

Purim Meydls - Purim Girls, in this story it refers to young women that become pregnant during the celebration of Purim.  This is a totally fictionalized concept. 

Rabbi - Jewish teacher or religious leader 

Reb - an honorific similar to Mr.

Rebbetzin - a rabbi's wife 

rishon - first in Hebrew 

Sabbatai Zevi - a Messianic figure (false Messiah) in the 1600s

Sephardic - Jewish diaspora population associated with the Iberian Peninsula

Shabbos - Sabbath, Saturday

shacharis - morning prayers

Shechinah - God's divine presence, often understood as the feminine aspect of God

schlepping - carrying, hauling

schmoozing - chatting 

schnorrer - begger, sponger

shidduch - arranged marriage

Shin - A letter in the alphabet (ש). When gambling with a dreidl, if it lands on shin, one must shtel arayn (put money into the pot).

shney - snow 

shneya - second in Hebrew 

shochet - a ritual slaughter, a butcher

Shomer Shabbos - literally guarding the Sabbath, this refers to a strict observance

shofars - ram horns

shpilplats - playgrounds

shprakh - language

shtel arayn - put in (when gambling with a dreidl)

shtisl - a pot. A bisl aun a bisl vert a ful shtisl - a little and a little make a full pot.

shraybmashin - typewriter

shtarkers - hard guys, gangsters

shtetl - a small town

shtick - gimmick, talent

shtikel - a piece

shtot - a city 

shul - synagogue or house of prayer, school, from German Schule

shviger - mother-in-law 

sit Shiva - the seven days of mourning

Sontag - Sunday

Sukkos/Sukkot - the harvest festival which is a major holiday 

tallis - ritual prayer shawl worn by men

tallis katan - an undershirt with ritual fringes

Tamar - the name is also Hebrew for date

Tanakh - the Jewish Bible, (Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim). Christians call this the Old Testament 

Tantele - term of endearment for a small child, literally little father 

Tate - father

tefillin - (phylacteries) are a set of small black leather boxes with leather straps containing scrolls of parchment

tish - table

toches - bottom, rear-end 

toyre - Torah, the Five Books of Moses 

traif - not kosher

Tsatske aun Muzik Krom - Trinkets and Music Store

Tsenter Shtot - City Center

tsibeles - onions 

tuches - butt

tuches offen tish - a serious commitment,  literally to put one's butt on the table 

tsufus on foot 

tzimmes - a sweet side dish usually made primarily carrots with fruit, the German zuomuose. Tzimmes colloquially means a big fuss or commotion.

tzitzis - knotted ritual fringes

vas - what

vashzimmer washroom, bathroom 

Vayb - wife

Vayikra - the Biblical book of Leviticus

vilde - wild

vilde khius - wild animals 

vindow - window 

yarmulke - a skullcap 

Yenne Velt - literally another world, Heaven, death 

yeshiva - a religious school 

yeshiva bochers - students, boocher is literally a boy

Yid - a Jew

Yidden - Jews

Yiddishkeit - the Jewish way of life, Jewish culture 

yingela - a boy, a youngster 

zaydeh - grandfather 

zhargon - jargon 

zhurnal - journal 

Zoologisher Gortn - zoological garden, a zoo

Do you want to read more about Planet Birobidzhan? Here are all the installments so far, in the order that they were posted. Just click your way through the story!

1 On A Planet Safe for Yidden

2 Yenne Velt: A History of Planet Birobidzhan

3 Another Globe, Perhaps?

4 Bereshis: The Transport & Transformation of the Founders

5 The Town of First Landing

6 A Personal History of an Early Settler on Planet Birobidzhan

7 Chickens, Jews Harps & Cronyism

8 Dovid's Neshumeh

9 The Octogenarian and the Youngster

10 An Otherworldly Havdalah

11 The Courtship & Marriage of Bathseba

12 A Job, an Apartment & Two Honeymoons

13 The Pathway Into the Stars

14 Abi Guzunt

15 A Dozen or So…

16 Tamar's Sketchbook

17 An Apologetic Interlude in the Galactic Tale

18 Tamar's Mushrooms

19 Intergalactic Travel Can Not Be Done on the Cheap

20 Unauthorized Fire on Planet Birobidzhan

21 Tamar and the Klezmorim of Planet Birobidzhan

22 Heresy, Flimflam and Death

23 On a Distant Planet, An Apartment in the City by the Sea

24 The Girl with a Fiddle on Planet Birobidzhan

25 Tamar and the Scholars of Planet Birobidzhan

26 The Tropics of Planet Birobidzhan

27 The Beaches and Coastal Shtetls of Planet Birobidzhan

28 A Pre-launch Reunion

29 The Launch Was Imminent

30 Liftoff Into the Unknown

31 Across the Void, Down a Wormhole & Into the Snow

32 Flourishing on Planet Shney

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